The PREMIUM PA Sound System For Cafe & Restaurant - Tannoy DVS-4 & Lab.Gruppen Lucia 240/2

The PREMIUM PA Sound System For Cafe & Restaurant - Tannoy DVS-4 & Lab.Gruppen Lucia 240/2

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Now if you have a well established premium F&B outlet with demanding clients, luxurious interior decor, exquisite cuisine and an exclusive image to maintain, you cannot do with a basic sound system. For F&B outlets in hotels, premium restaurants and cafes, and glamour venues, clients are very demanding in many ways. Comfortable seating, quality furniture and fittings, great food, top notch services must be accompanied by a matching atmosphere or ambiance, so you need to complete the whole experience with crystal clear and very high quality sound and music.

This can only be produced with a high end PA system that is able to perform to highest expectations, producing high quality sound with high clarity and fidelity, a pleasant and unparalleled sonic quality that is able to please the ears of the listeners, loud and engaging enough to enhance the ambiance yet allow clients to converse comfortably.

On top of the sound quality, such a high end system needs to meet other criteria, and it is not just audio, but also aesthetics. Speakers need to be small and discreet, easy to blend with the decor and environment, and also meet corporate policies such as energy saving compliance.

All these features and characteristics of high end PA systems will ensure an exquisite dining experience, create memorable moments by providing cosy, warm and welcoming atmosphere.

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